1729 Wednesday 18 January 2012
My 21st birthday was on the 15th, but Ezra had to work. So we celebrated it, and our half-year anniversary on the 16th. We went to Southpoint mall to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D, I got a new purse and we got books, and we ate at Rockfish. I quite enjoyed myself. And I'm glad he and I got to spend time together. Unlike what he "thinks," it's not the spending-money-on-me part that made happy. It's the fact that we got to go out on a date. That we had fun, and laughed about stuff. A LOT of stuff. That's what made it the best day ever. Hearing him laugh.
Having not fully seen Beauty and the Beast all the way through, I actually wanted to see it (it was either that or Sherlock Holmes 2). Although a lot of kids showed up, and I thought it was going to be loud and annoying, and thought I wasn't going to be able to enjoy it, they were actually quiet. Most, anyway. Two babies ended up crying because of the loud noises, I assume, but they ended up stopping after a few minutes. Anyway, when the movie started, I thought it was just going to look like a pop-up book the whole time. With just a few parts of the background layered over the others. After a while, though, it ended up looking really well done. I especially liked the parts when they sing "Be Our Guest" and "Beauty and the Beast." The table scene when the camera pans down the length of it, and Lumiere is at the end was cool. And the ballroom dancing scene where Belle in her signature yellow dress and the Beast were dancing looked fantastic. But my favorite part was when Ms. Pots was singing and Ezra held my hand. It was sweet. :3
After we left the cinema, we started walking around to the other stores. I had my mind set on a purse. I (and I was told this numerous times) have enough shoes. I looked in places that I thought would have purses, but to no avail. The funny part was walking through Abercrombie & Fitch, Ezra pulled his shirt over his nose like a gas mask. And I agree, that place was so concentrated with cologne I don't know how much more I could stand. Going to the specialty stores wasn't fruitful, so I figured I'd try Macy's, JC Penny, Nordstrom, and Sears. The last store we went to was Belk. And then I found it. The most amazing purse I've ever seen. Bueno "Washed Jacqueline." It was marked $70, but the sale said 40% off. To make things even better, the cashier used a coupon and it ended up totaling $35. I was so excited. Ezra said "I better see you take that thing EVERYWHERE. Seriously, I don't want to see you use another purse ever again." I laughed and delightfully agreed.
We then walked to Barnes & Noble. I got the last book that I wanted (for now) for my Leatherbound Classics collection, Arabian Nights, and Ezra got Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z by Max Brooks.
Rockfish. Oh my word, that was delicious. If I was rich, I would eat there everyday. We shared an appetizer called the "Tower." It was Layered sushi in a cylindrical shape and you carved into it with these flaky chip-like-things. Wasn't what we were expecting, but it was tasty. I ordered Crab-Stuffed Lobster with grilled asparagus and homemade mashed potatoes, and he ordered something called Ultimate Rockfish something-or-other. It had fried catfish and fried oysters and fries and stuff. Being 21 for one whole day, I wanted to get one drink. Just one. I asked what the waiter recommended and he asked if I would like for him to just make me something. He brought back a Dragon Fruit Margarita. It was pretty good, for a "first legal drink." I thought it was funny that my family thought I was going to get wasted/hammered/shitfaced. That shows them. I know how to be responsible. So, there.
After that, we walked to Crate & Barrel and Urban Outfitters to wait on Deborah to pick us up. All in all, it was a really good day. Like I said, it wasn't because of spending money. I'm not a golddigger. I may have blown the money I made while working at Food Lion. But I don't blow other peoples' money. I don't think "buy me that" after everything I walk past. I had a good time, because I got to spend time with the man I love, got to walk around and enjoy the day. I don't know why, but I like when we have moments like we did at Western. Carefree joking and laughing. It makes me smile and want to give him a big fat hug. <3
Thank you for the most amazing day thus far, Ezra. I love you so much, darling. As always, I'm faithfully yours until the end of time. Don't ever forget that. :)
Ciao all!
-Gabrielle Nicole
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