10 February 2011

I think I should get more sleep...

0730 Thursday 10 February 2011

Haven't quite slept yet. Stayed up all night last night.
Was IMing Ezra, my best friend, and his girlfriend Terry for a long while. Our conversations are odd sometimes but I enjoy them none-the-less. After that I browsed through FunnyJunk and the Ubuntu Software Center (for anything that intrigued me, I can always uninstall it if I don't like it.)

For now, I'm half-laying on my bed writing this. Spongebob is on. My brother has a two hour delay, so I have to stay up an additional 2 hours to make sure he gets on the bus. Yay.

Everytime I decide "I'm going to go to bed early tonight," I end up getting side-tracked by something... I just let it consume me, whatever I end up working on, until the wee hours of the morning. Shawn, my fiancee, doesn't like when I stay up all night, because that means I end up sleeping all day instead of hanging out with him. He normally gets up at around 8 or 9.

I miss WCU... and all my friends there.

Ciao for now, as I have run out of things to talk about for the time being.

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