I kind of accidentally-on-purpose pushed away everyone I was talking to today... Ben, Jeff, Terry, Ezra... Ez probably doesn't care as much. I talk to him all the time, he probably needed a break lol. And he knows that no matter what, I'll always talk to him eventually. Ben and Jeff were worried about me, because I wasn't being my "usual self." (How could they tell through IM?) And Terry... Poor Terry. I mean, she seems to already have enough problems of her own, and me adding on top of that? I feel bad for it now... She didn't deserve that. Sorry, Terry. I love you, dear.
And right now... Kinda wishing I had someone to talk to. Talk about irony, right? Oh well. Hey, it's Valentine's Day. Yay. Going to chill with Shawn today, obviously. I don't know what we're going to do though, we didn't plan anything. I should probably go to sleep so I won't sleep all day, and so I won't want to nap. I really should get my sleeping schedule back on track... :/
I wish there was something to do besides check Facebook, or browse FunnyJunk and /b/. Blogging is a good way for me to express myself without having to be judged or misunderstood. Nobody reads these anyway (unless I link my friends to it), so I don't know why I keep writing them. I suppose it's just a way to get my thoughts out... I really want to write something. I hate English, and I hate writing papers, but for some reason lately I just want to do some creative writing. I'm not good with poems like Terry is. And the ones I do come up with are cheesy. And I haven't written a short story since middle school... Hmm, something to ponder I guess. Even if I did write a short story, I don't think they'll be as good as they were back then. I feel as though my imagination gland is whithered due to age. I'm only 20, but still. School has been a real drag on my creativity. For now I'll stick to journaling.
I just got done writing a poem. Not a very good one, I just wanted to see what I was capable of. If I come up with more, I might consider posting them in a second blog. I still want to write something. I love the sound of typing. It's soothing. I'm going to write something eventually. I don't know what genre, or what length, but it'll be something. I need to find good inspiration...
But for now I'm just going to go over to Creepy Pasta. I love scary stories. OH MY GOD, I just got an idea for a story. Ah, I'm so excited! I know emotion doesn't translate well over text, but still. I'm ecstatic.
I got the first few sentences down. It's a decent hook, but not a masterpiece. It could take some working on. Before I write the rest I should build a map, for the flow of the story and whatnot.
This entry was longer than I intended, but if you read it I congratulate you. I am pleasantly surprised anyone could sit through my blabbering.
Off to Creepy Pasta!
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