30 April 2011

Crap nuggets.

Okay so me and Ezra were playing around last night over IM and when he mentioned that Terry was asleep and snoring, I suggested he draw a penis on her face (as a joke, I didn't think he'd go through with it, honestly. But then again, it's Ezra so of course he did). After I said it, I added that he shouldn't do it, because she'd get mad. Ezra got "excited" and did it anyway, but before he could wash it off, she woke up and got mad at him. Terry (same with Shawn) doesn't share the same sense of humor we do. It's a childish humor, but it's still funny to us. Doesn't take much to make us laugh, especially at others' disposal. Too much 4chan. Anyway, I told him to tell her that it was my fault, but I don't think it worked. He said "I just wanted to make her laugh." And now he's sad. I told him he shouldn't be, but he said all he wants is to make Terry happy ("I'm happy when she's happy. And I don't make her happy. So I need to stop making her not happy. And the only way I can think to not do that is by not doing what I think is funny."). He pretty much said he "wants" to be sad, if it makes her happy. I told him to stop downing himself. He deserves to be happy, they BOTH do. Regardless of differences in humor/maturity. I love and care about them both...

Logic: Ezra funny=Terry mad/sad. Terry mad=Ezra sad. Ezra no funny=Ezra sad/Terry happy. Ezra sad=Terry happy? I'm confused...

Terry, if you're reading this, I'm sorry. It was all my fault, and I take all the blame. I can understand if you don't want to talk to me. But I love you anyway. Always. :(

Ezra, I know you're not reading this, but I'm going to say it anyway. Be happy. Much love bro.

Maybe psychology isn't my forte,

27 April 2011

Terry thinks I'm mad at her...

I'm not. Really. :)

2001 Wednesday 27 April 2001

Pissed at mom. Everytime I try to make plans to see Terry and Ezra, she says okay. But the closer it gets to the day, she changes her mind. Fuck her shit. Fuckin' hypocrite. I don't know when I'm coming over. I'm tired of this. There's no way I can drive myself, and no one else can take me (especially Shawn. Fuck that. One, it will only cause drama. Two, he told me never to ask him to chauffeur me around ever again.)

I'm so sorry guys. :'(


26 April 2011

Stupid memes.

2209 Tuesday 26 April 2011

Yes I know. Woo. Hipster meme. I'm just not in the mood. It's not you it's me. I thought it was cute. It's a costume, like my nautical outfit. I don't do that everyday, I could understand if I did. Then you can torment me.

Sorry... I'm going to catch myself right now. I'm over-reacting. Just need to vent. I'm not angry. It's not even that bad. It was kinda funny, but the fact that I expected it made me angry. Not at the person that said it, but at the Internet.

Anyway. I don't know what else to say. Hopefully going to see Ezra this week...


24 April 2011


425 Sunday 24 April 2011

Ty is here. We went to watch Insidious. It was good. Yesterday was the worst, but I'm not going into detail. Today is better. Hopefully tomorrow is even better. Going to see Shawn maybe, and then minecraft later. Oh, by the way... Bacardi and coke tastes disgusting. Never trying that one again lol.

Watching Kootra's Portal 2 videos... Kinda tired.
Goodnight everyone,

20 April 2011

Son, I am disappoint.

245 Wednesday 20 April 2011

So, my mom has to take her boyfriend to the doctor on Thursday and I won't be able to see Ezra (or Terry), but she said she will take me next week. Ty is coming over this weekend. We're going to play piano and flute duets because we're cool like that, and going to see Insidious. I'm so excited. Giving Ezra my old computer speakers because I don't use them anymore. I need to trim my hair, just the ends so they don't look fried. I'm watching the Ed, Edd, and Eddy movie on YouTube.

Kinda tired,

17 April 2011

I love that I hate you... I hate that I love you...

1538 Sunday 17 April 2011

It's my dad's birthday.

Shawn keeps snooping through my profiles (facebook, youtube, etc.) and it's pissing me off.

I'm so bored.

Can't wait to see Ezra and Ty soon. 4 more and 6 more days, respectively.

I'm hungry.

I don't know what to do or think anymore. My mind keeps changing. My feelings keep flipping. I see an opening and I want to take it, but I'm afraid of the consequences. Because something ALWAYS goes wrong. Nothing EVER goes the way I plan it to. So I don't take that opening... And it hurts sometimes. What if... I hate what if.

Still don't know what to do about Shawn yet. We keep hanging out. He seems happier. He seems like less of a dick. But like Ezra said, that's what he wants you to think.

I want to talk to Terry.


15 April 2011

My neck hurts.

1147 Friday 15 April 2011

Like the right side. I don't know how or why. It's the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Must've laid on it the wrong way. Went to sleep at 4ish, woke up at 7 to take my meds (Ciprofloxacin) and went back to sleep, and woke up again at 11ish. Feels like less sleep than it is. So tired...

Been doing fantastic. I bought Minecraft. Played with Nick and Ezra on multiplayer a few times. Been talking to Ezra and Ty a whole lot more. Going to visit Ez next week for his birthday, and Ty is coming to visit me next weekend. We're going to see Insidious. He's adorable :3

Helped Shawn with his truck yesterday. He wasn't in the best of moods. He said it seems like no matter how hard he tries, something always goes wrong. His car, his truck, his computer, his phone... I told him he still has ME... I hope he cheers up soon, no me gusta.

Gonna hop off of here. Hungry.

09 April 2011

Haven't written in a while.

1523 Saturday 9 April 2011

In such a better mood nowadays. I don't know what it is. Been talking to Ty and Nick more. There was a point where I didn't talk to Ezra at all (I dunno why... just didn't have anything to say), but here lately we've been talking again. So glad, too. He said I made it to his "permanent contacts list" and that means he either enjoys taking to me "TO THE EXTREME" or we don't talk enough, and that makes him sad. Makes me sad too. :( I really like our conversations. I didn't want the distance to make us grow apart. I'm so glad the he's happy again. I hope he's having fun at home. I wish him and Terry the best, hopefully they don't fight as much now lol. Been talking to and hanging out with Shawn recently. He seems to have changed. But I'm not rushing. If he's the one, then so be it. But I don't want to get hurt again. Time will tell. :)

OH! Nick is setting up a server on Minecraft so he, Ezra and I (when I buy it, soon) can play multiplayer. :D Can't wait!

Suffering from a UTI. Suckage. Mom and I bought something called Azo, and cranberry pills. Been drinking gallons of water and cran-grape juice. Woke up and my kidney hurt but it seems to be feeling better now. Hope this goes away soon. I really don't want to have to go to the doctor to get an antibiotic, but I don't mind. As long as I get better. As long as it doesn't get worse. Lol'd when I read a blog that said that it's sometimes caused by "vigorous sexual activity." I know if you don't flush your bladder afterwards, you can get one. Guess that was my problem. :P Oh well, been feeling better already, so maybe it'll all be over within the next few days.

I am obsessed with making Minecraft skins. Been using a site called minersneedcoolshoes.com. I've already made 8 skins, and about to start on my 9th.

That's all for now,
-Elle <3

01 April 2011

No one I care about reads this, unless I link it to them. So, I quit.

1242 Friday 1 April 2011

Why. Why do I do this? Why do I talk to Terry, or Ezra, or Ty? Because I believe they're my friends? I hardly talk to Ezra anymore because he's home/with Terry, and I don't want to distract him. I have nothing to say to him anymore. Same with Terry. What the fuck am I supposed to say to anyone? "Hey. What's up?" and then not get a response? I feel like it's my fault, that they don't respond. Like my conversation isn't worth responding to. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to move far away. Where no one can suffer having to talk to me anymore.

Dear Ezra,
I'm not abandoning you.
Dear Terry,
Have a nice life.
Dear Ty,
Thanks for everything.
