12 February 2011

Best movie I've seen in a long time.

1859 Saturday 12 February 2011

I love horror. Love it. The feeling of being scared. Being paranoid. It's awesome.

And that movie (Devil) really did a number on my nerves. Had me jumping. Five stars fo sho. I wish there was another movie I could watch that was just as good. It's definitely at the top of my favorite movies list. For now lol.

Shawn finally called back. I was worried, as he didn't pick up any of my calls. He said he was napping, as he has to do papers tonight.

IMing Jerrica and Ezra. Waiting for Terry to get online. Jerrica said she mailed me something. Probably won't get here for a few days, but I'm still excited. I love getting mail. She said "It's simple, but I think you'll like it enough." I'm like: Of course I will. I love anything my friends give me.
And Ez? He's... Not talking that much right now. I don't know if something's bothering him or not, because he never tells me. Cuz he's a guy. Manly, haha. But I can tell sometimes by the way he responds... I don't like it, he says he does. He calls it "emotionless" and justifies it by saying it's "easy to understand." Either way, it makes me sad. He should be happy. Everyone deserves to be happy. He's my best friend. Closest friend I've ever had. I'd do anything for that boy. I don't "love" him. But I do care about him. A lot. I'm glad our paths have crossed. We needed each other. I will always be there for him if he needs me. I just want him to be happy. He's got a nice smile. That smile always brightens my day.

Mom's yelling for my brother, hold on...
A bug? Seriously? Dumbbitch.jpg LAWL

Dinner. Bye.

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