15 February 2011

Definitely Worthy of a Blog Update.

0938 Tuesday 15 February 2011

Hey I've been 20 for a month. Woot.

Anyway, a few days ago I saw that I was level 6 on FunnyJunk, and today I became level 7. I know it's not much, but I've never felt like I was ever a part of anything on the Internet more than right now. I used to spend a lot of time on Yahoo! Answers, and they have a ranking system too. But I never felt like I belonged. I had a "name" yes, but I still felt like an Anon. I've been commenting for a while now, but here recently I've been posting stuff of my own. Not OC mind you, but stuff that I've found in the far expanses of the World Wide Web. Comps seem to be the easiest way to get thumbs, because no matter what is in it, it relates to everyone somehow. And my meme/reaction folder? My lord... It's humongous. 225 images strong and growing. And I have a total of 402 saved comics, comps, and other random things. It also seems as though if you post predictable stuff in the comments, it's automatic thumbs up. Like for example, in a "party hard" thread, post a gif of something dancing. Simple as that, easy thumbs. And the more comments you read, the larger your repertoire. The part that feels the best is Ezra is still level 2, even though HE'S the one that showed me the site in the first place. Albeit, he spends more time on /b/, and doesn't comment on FJ unless he's trolling (which can, if done correctly, earn a substantial amount of  positive thumbs).

Speaking of which, I'm worried about him. He says he wants to take a break from school, because he's "tired of learning things [he] doesn't care about." He can do what he wants, and I'll be proud of him no matter his decision, but I know he's smarter than that. He says he might be/is failing.  Son, I am disappoint. That makes me sad. I really don't want him to get suspended too. I'll be back next semester and I was looking forward to marching and "tuba love." I know he knows better than that. I really wish he would try. I know he could make it far in this world. He's smarter than anyone I know... I feel guilty for getting suspension myself. I feel like I abandoned him. He is always saying how lonely he is, and I can't help but blame myself. I was there for him everyday, and now I'm not. Yeah, he has other people to hang out with, but he doesn't most of the time. And if I was there, it would be a normal day. Wake up in his room, go to my room, shower and get ready, go to class, eat lunch/dinner with him, go back to his room with him for yet another night of epicness (internet, movies, talking, etc.), and fall asleep there. Everyday. Like we used to. At least he has Logan now (our mutual friend and his new roommate), even though here recently we have seen the REAL Logan, or rather what he has become ever since he got a girlfriend... Whatever Ezra decides to do I will be behind him the whole way. I hope that he realizes just how much I care for, and support him. He's like a little brother to me. I feel like I need to protect him. Loyalty and pride, he calls it. At first I didn't agree. I loved him. But after my recent epiphany, I realized he was right. Why should we let anything get in the way of our friendship? My friends say that they've never seen two friends closer. Yeah, he and I have somewhat of a "troubled" history in our approximate 6 month acquaintance, but we have since pulled through it and became closer friends instead of letting it tear us apart. I'll always be there for him if he needs me, until the day I die. I need him. He's my rock. And he may not admit it, but I think a small part of him needs me too. Wow, sorry for ranting. I felt like it was something that needed to be said, whether he or anyone else reads it or not.

Just finished Saw 3D, the 7th installment in the horror series. It was good, yes. It had me gasping, jumping, and shaking. On the other hand, I began to notice how predictable it was. I thoroughly enjoyed the end. I felt like it was concrete. Now, I'm going to go to IMDb to read quotes, goofs, and trivia like I normally do after a movie. Then maybe a little Creepy Pasta. And after, a shower and rendezvous with my Shawnie. He's been so sweet to me lately. I really hope that he won't freak out when I eventually tell him that Ezra agreed to be my "maid" of honor.

Hope that everyone has a good day,

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